The Port Community Code of Conduct

Keep the discussion on public channels

Communicating in public channels helps others learn. Unless you have a private matter with another member, make an effort to keep the discussion on public channels. 

We avoid double-posting

Our support team is doing the best they can to answer your questions as quickly as possible, however, sometimes it may take a little bit of time. If you’re not getting a response, do not post the same question to multiple channels.

No vendors and recruiters, as well as job searches!

Sorry, vendors, recruiters, and job searchers, but this community is all about genuine connections and knowledge-sharing regarding Port’s internal developer portal. Join us as fellow developers, tell us about internal developer portals and platforms, not more. Just be cool - don’t be spammy, and don’t solicit members.

No Spam Attacks

Save your superpowers for good! Avoid excessive self-promotion or spamming the channels. We want genuine discussions and connections, not an inbox full of ads.

We ❤️ threads

The best way to reduce noise in Slack is to use threads - help out fellow community members or answer back witty responses!

Banish the dark side

We have zero tolerance for harassment in any form. Spread positivity, encourage others, and report any nefarious behavior to our trusted community admins.

Please notice we will not tolerate any of the following:

  • Conduct that might be considered sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist or otherwise discriminatory in nature;
  • Sexualized language and unwelcome sexual advances;
  • Violent language or images;
  • Trolling, insulting comments, and personal or political attacks;
  • Publicly sharing information explicitly intended to be private.

Should you have any concerns or need to report anything, please feel free to reach out by sending an email to

Let’s wrap up

By being a member of The Port Community, you agree to abide by this code of conduct. Let's create a welcoming, inclusive, and supportive environment for all community members to learn, grow, and collaborate.