IaC for Developers

Create developer self-service actions that interact with IaC. Remove cognitive load and define golden paths. Leverage your IaC infrastructure to empower developer self-service.

IaC for Developers
Abstract IaC for developers

Abstract IaC for developers

IaC requires domain knowledge, and contains many elements developers aren’t familiar with, creating unnecessary cognitive load. Build a developer self-service UI over IaC, so developers can apply through the internal developer portal.

Inject the right data to IaC

Inject the right data to IaC

Once developers fill in the developer self-service form, Port injects the relevant inputs into the IaC file and git commit. It’s that simple.

Workflow Automation to Auto-Terminate

Workflow Automation to Auto-Terminate

Once TTL expires, workflow automation can tie into the software catalog and run Terraform destroy or any similar action when needed.

Check out self-service IaC for developers in Port's live demo

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